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Life Insurance & Serious Illness Cover

Life Insurance Explained


No one likes to ponder on premature death but it pays to be prepared. Because every family depends on an income, life insurance helps to continue that financial support. There are many different plans available and a policy can be tailored to suit your own personal circumstances.


Serious Illness Explained


This type of cover protects against the financial consequences of a serious illness. Like life insurance, it offers peace of mind and allows you to put aside your financial concerns to concentrate on your health, secure in the knowledge that your bills are covered with this lump sum payment.


For more information on life insurance and serious illness cover and why you should have the cover in place see below. If you have any questions please contact us or use the form to submit an inquiry. 

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Happy Family

Why Do I Need Life Insurance?


Individual circumstances are a good guide as to when to take out Life Insurance, if you have a family or intend starting one, if you have liabilities or responsibilities you should have Life Insurance in place so that loved ones are left financially secure in the event of your death

When Should I Take Out Life Insurance?


Individual circumstances are a good guide as to when to take out life insurance. For example, if you have a family or are starting one, you should consider a policy so that loved ones are financially secure in the event of your death.

Why Do I Need Serious Illness Cover?


At Acorn Financial Services, we witness the effects of serious illness on families almost every day. Some people are fortunate in that they already have cover in place. If something happened to you, how would you pay for the following:


  • Your mortgage or rent

  • Food and utilities

  • Hospital bills and expenses

  • Credit cards, loans, other debts


On top of all that is being able to continue to support and care for your family and loved ones while you are off work. Although a serious illness policy will not replace your full income if you are off work long term, the lump sum payment you receive will help with costs.

Hospital Cover


A spell in hospital can mean extra day to day expenses. With Hospital Cover in place, you will have help paying for any extra costs and bills that you may have during your time in hospital.


Hospital Cover will provide you with a cash payment of up to €300 per day if you are in hospital for 3 days or more (up to a maximum of 365 days). Should you require a stay of more than 3 days, the payment will be backdated to day 1, so your entire stay is covered.

Image by Bill Oxford
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